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In 2022, the largest German-speaking corpus of parliamentary protocols from three different centuries, on a national and federal level from the countries of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, was collected and published - GerParCor. Through GerParCor, it became possible to provide for the first time various parliamentary protocols which were not available digitally and, moreover, could not be retrieved and processed in a uniform manner. Furthermore, GerParCor was additionally preprocessed using NLP methods and made available in XMI format. In this paper, GerParCor is significantly updated by including all new parliamentary protocols in the corpus, as well as adding and preprocessing further parliamentary protocols previously not covered, so that a period up to 1797 is now covered. Besides the integration of a new, state-of-the-art and appropriate NLP preprocessing for the handling of large text corpora, this update also provides an overview of the further reuse of GerParCor by presenting various provisioning capabilities such as APIs, among others.
Country Date Name Parliament Annotations Sentiment Options
Austria Jun 13, 1848 1. Sitzung vom 13.06.1848 Steiermark 9,994 790 9,994 9,570 0.071
Austria Jun 28, 1848 11. Sitzung vom 28.06.1848 Steiermark 12,415 715 12,415 12,052 0.081
Austria Jun 26, 1848 9. Sitzung vom 26.06.1848 Steiermark 15,280 855 15,280 14,889 0.077
Austria Jul 12, 1848 22. Sitzung vom 12.07.1848 Steiermark 15,232 1,107 15,232 14,733 0.051
Austria Jun 16, 1848 4. Sitzung vom 16.06.1848 Steiermark 12,361 776 12,361 11,999 0.067
Austria Jul 14, 1848 23. Sitzung vom 14.07.1848 Steiermark 18,246 1,209 18,246 17,748 0.061
Germany Feb 25, 1358 Hessischer Landtag-Plenarprotokoll vom 5.3.1358 Hessen 51,296 4,058 51,296 48,906 0.095
Germany Nov 24, 1072 Hessischer Landtag-Plenarprotokoll vom 30.11.1072 Hessen 77,790 6,334 77,790 73,492 0.088
Austria Jun 17, 1848 5. Sitzung vom 17.06.1848 Steiermark 13,839 903 13,839 13,440 0.092
Austria Jul 11, 1848 21. Sitzung vom 11.07.1848 Steiermark 14,412 961 14,412 14,021 0.052
Austria Jul 4, 1848 15. Sitzung vom 04.07.1848 Steiermark 18,014 1,322 18,014 17,509 0.059
Austria Jul 5, 1848 16. Sitzung vom 05.07.1848 Steiermark 15,568 1,058 15,568 15,136 0.068
Austria Jul 7, 1848 18. Sitzung vom 07.07.1848 Steiermark 16,142 1,155 16,142 15,696 0.076
Austria Jun 21, 1848 8. Sitzung vom 21.06.1848 Steiermark 17,718 949 17,718 17,160 0.075
Austria Jul 6, 1848 17. Sitzung vom 06.07.1848 Steiermark 19,529 1,461 19,529 19,001 0.055
Austria Jun 14, 1848 2. Sitzung vom 14.06.1848 Steiermark 8,669 528 8,669 8,395 0.108
Austria Jun 15, 1848 3. Sitzung vom 15.06.1848 Steiermark 11,025 645 11,025 10,708 0.08
Austria Jun 30, 1848 12. Sitzung vom 30.06.1848 Steiermark 17,440 1,029 17,440 16,963 0.059
Austria Jul 1, 1848 13. Sitzung vom 01.07.1848 Steiermark 12,885 851 12,885 12,495 0.058
Germany Jun 24, 1065 Hessischer Landtag-Plenarprotokoll vom 30.6.1065 Hessen 72,402 6,042 72,402 68,859 0.091
Austria Jul 3, 1848 14. Sitzung vom 03.07.1848 Steiermark 17,114 1,152 17,114 16,648 0.073
Austria Apr 29, 1822 20_29.04.1822 Vorarlberg 29,119 1,897 29,119 28,059 0.107
Austria Jul 10, 1848 20. Sitzung vom 10.07.1848 Steiermark 18,367 1,110 18,367 17,847 0.078
Austria Nov 6, 199 53. LTG-Sitzung am 6. November 199 Kaernten 74,689 4,903 74,689 71,774 0.12
Austria Jun 29, 200 44. LTG-Sitzung am 29. Juni 200 Kaernten 54,983 3,969 54,983 53,415 0.139
Austria Jun 27, 1848 10. Sitzung vom 27.06.1848 Steiermark 14,815 795 14,815 14,402 0.082
Austria Jul 8, 1848 19. Sitzung vom 08.07.1848 Steiermark 16,729 1,124 16,729 16,270 0.064
Austria Jun 20, 1848 7. Sitzung vom 20.06.1848 Steiermark 14,912 796 14,912 14,539 0.092
Austria Jun 19, 1848 6. Sitzung vom 19.06.1848 Steiermark 13,295 780 13,295 12,932 0.084
Germany Nov 30, 1046 Hessischer Landtag-Plenarprotokoll vom 6.12.1046 Hessen 33,753 3,119 33,753 31,347 0.05


        address   = {Torino, Italy},
        author    = {Abrami, Giuseppe and Bagci, Mevl{\"u}t and Mehler, Alexander},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)},
        editor    = {Calzolari, Nicoletta and Kan, Min-Yen and Hoste, Veronique and Lenci, Alessandro and Sakti, Sakriani and Xue, Nianwen},
        month     = {may},
        pages     = {7707--7716},
        publisher = {ELRA and ICCL},
        title     = {{G}erman Parliamentary Corpus ({G}er{P}ar{C}or) Reloaded},
        url       = {},
        year      = {2024}


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